21 апреля 2013

About me


My name is Dmitry Petukhov. I am a Machine Learning consultant, Cloud solutions architect, speaker, tireless researcher and coffee lover.

My professional interests include architecture of distributed and high-load systems, cloud technologies and machine learning technologies.


Conferences (as a speaker, trainer, mentor, organizer, or jury member)


Awards and certifications

Conferences (as a speaker, trainer, mentor, organizer, or jury member)


Awards and certifications

Conferences (as a speaker, trainer, mentor, organizer, or jury member)

Workshops / Interviews



Awards and certifications

Conferences (as a speaker, trainer, mentor, organizer, or jury member)


Awards and certifications

Competitions and hackathons

Conferences (as a speaker, trainer, mentor, organizer, or jury member)



Conferences (as a speaker, expert, mentor, or jury member)

Certificates & Courses (successfully completed)



Conferences (as a speaker/expert/jury member)

  • AI in Retail Banking. Moscow Cognitive Computing Community Meetup, Moscow.
  • R + Apache Spark in Microsoft Azure. Microsoft DevCon School Conference, Moscow.
  • From Machine Learning Theory to Azure Machine Learning Practice. Microsoft Student Partners Summit, Moscow.
  • OpenWay User Group Conference. Big Data in Retail Banking, Saint Petersburg.
  • Invited expert and member of the jury at Azure Machine Learning Hackathon, Moscow.
  • Microsoft Cognitive Services: build applications smarter. New Professions Lab, Moscow.
  • Data Science with R and Azure ML. Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow.

Certificates & Courses (successfully completed)

  • DAT202.1x Processing Big Data with Hadoop in Azure HDInsight, EdX.
  • DAT202.2x Implementing Real-Time Analytics with Hadoop in Azure HDInsight, EdX.



Research papers (as an author)

Publications (as an author)

Conferences (as a speaker)

Certificates & Courses (successfully completed)

Пишите мне

Email: base64:ZC5wZXR1a2hvdkBvdXRsb29rLmNvbQ==
Telegram: @codez0mb1e

Stay in touch

LinkedIn: @dpetukhov.
Facebook: @codez0mb1e.
Twitter: @codez0mb1e.
Habr: @codezombie.
This blog RSS.

Автор статьи

Machine Learning Preacher, Microsoft AI MVP && Coffee Addicted